Walk with me, Rotterdam : Being and Place

Ensemble Improvisation + Process Sharing by walker participants and WeiZen

Leeszaal West, Rijnhoutplein 3, Rotterdam

22 June 11am - 1pm

walking as an open process to draw out what is relevant from our body-memory and the conversations shared…

flowing from outside Leeszaal

to contribute into an ensemble improvisation where walker-participants (unknown to each other as yet) enter into the ‘action and performative’ space around Leeszaal at surprising moments, from 11am-1230pm as they journey from their respective homes, sometimes in different cities.

inside Leeszaal

the ‘Reading Room’ of West Rotterdam where this communal book exchange space offers anyone some quiet time, read, have a cup of tea/coffee and biscuit for 50 Euro cents, and take any book home.

the image transforms again, and again; the scene evolves with ieke Trinks’ letter stamping actions around the space, as well as the engagement of occasional onlookers.

and the previous image is passed on to walker-participant Yvette Teeuwen

meanwhile the back of the library is activated again, and audience members participate in whispered readings

as the whispered readings continue, a shift occurs

the closing

Thank you again to ieke Trinks at PAE for making Walk with me, Rotterdam : Being and Place possible!


About PAE

PAE stands for Performance Art Event and is an artist-led platform for performance art in the Netherlands since 2008. PAE has no fixed structure or pattern, but changes depending on the artistic developments and the work of the artists involved. The organisation is currently led by the artists Nina Boas and ieke Trinks, and supported by the artists Kirsten Heshusius and Kamila Wolczszak. Previously we have partnered with several cultural organization, among them are TENT (R’dam), Wolfart Projectspaces (R’dam), Goethe Institute, Alliance Française, De Brakke Grond (A’dam), TETEM (Enschede), Zuidplein Shopping Center (R’dam), Willem de Kooning Academy,  Zone2Sourse (A’dam), WORM (R’dam), and Out of Site (Chicago, USA).

Thank you Leeszaal West for offering a beautiful space to hold the process sharing and ensembleimprovisation!


Reading Rotterdam West, Rijnhoutplein 3